Welcome to Yumbum, your destination for high-quality fitness clothing and bikinis that celebrate the beauty in every body.

why us?

We're passionate about providing you with top-notch products that elevate your style and boost your confidence. Our carefully curated selection of premium activewear and swimwear is handpicked to ensure you receive the best in comfort and durability. We pride ourselves in great customer service, fast delivery and a great experience for our customers!


Yes, as long as you have the correct size tights on, you will never have a problem with it not being squat-proof.


Size small: Pants size 28 - 32

Size medium: Pants size 32-34

Size large: Pants size 34-38


Size small: 32B;C;D / 34A;B;

Size Medium: 34C;D / 36A;B

Size Large: 36C;36D

The courier company notifies you via email. They will then provide you with a tracking number. NB please ensure to add your email address when placing an order.

Shipping takes on average about 2-4 working days across. Shipping across South Africa costs R75 and is free with orders over R1500.

If you'd like to exchange for a different size or return the product, you will be responsible for the return courier cost. We usually recommend a courier company that charges R40 for returns, but the customer can choose any courier company of their choice. Once the item has been received and inspected, a refund will be processed. If the item is to be exchanged for a different size, the new item will be sent upon receipt of the returned parcel.

If your product is under the three month warranty and is faulty, we will replace it free of charge.

To arrange collection of your items, please notify us in advance. Your order will be ready for collection the next day. Collections are in Summerstrand. If you need the address again, please notify us and we will be happy to assist.